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Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT)
It's unavoidable. Hormone production starts to decline in your mid-30s and continues to drop as you age. For both men and women.
Common symptoms include hair loss, hot flashes, irregular periods, brain fog, fatigue, low libido, dry skin, vaginal dryness, insomnia, erectile dysfunction, difficulty losing fat despite exercising, weight gain, and mood changes.
We are here to help you feel like YOU again!
Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) uses biochemically identical hormones that are an exact copy of what your body makes. Since your body recognizes these hormones, potential side effects are greatly reduced.
BHRT is a safe treatment option for women and men who prefer a balance transition through menopause and andropause.

Our main goal is for you to regain your youthfulness and natural energy!
Hormones will then be monitored through blood and/or saliva regularly at specific intervals over the course of the year and beyond to ensure proper dosages that match your specific health picture.
Specific hormones tracked in BHRT include testosterone, estradiol, progesterone, DHEA, sex hormone binding globulin, FSH, and LH, among others.