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Thyroid Health
We refer to the thyroid as “the body’s thermostat.”
The thyroid gland is part of an intricate network of glands known as the endocrine system which manufactures hormones that regulate your body's metabolism, which is your ability to break down food and convert it to energy.
The thyroid is the master regulator of the body’s metabolism.
The two main thyroid hormones are T3 and T4.

When your thyroid underproduces (hypothyroidism) or overproduces (hyperthyroidism) hormones, it can cause fatigue, hair loss, weight loss or weight gain, irritability, anxiety, depression, constipation or diarrhea, weak/brittle nails, dry skin, and more.
Our approach in treating thyroid disease includes monitoring thyroid-specific blood markers over time, nutrition plans, nutritional supplements, botanical/herbal medicines, pharmaceutical hormones (compounded medications available), and other lifestyle strategies.